On-Demand CE Training
Created on: 04/22/2023 Revised on: 2/5/25
Attention New Jersey Social Workers:
This course is approved for all social workers, including New Jersey. The Board Adopted Amendments: N.J.A.C. 13:44G-6.3, 6.4, and 6.7 Content Areas for Continuing Education Credit on April 15, 2024. This updates the Board’s regulation. This amendment states that attendance at programs or courses offered by providers approved by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) are now acceptable sources of CE credit.
At the June 12, 2024 public meeting, the Board voted to allow “any applications submitted, or audits which take place, on or after September 1, 2022” to be able “to submit CE from the sources updated in the new amendment adopted on April 15, 2024.”
For more information please refer to https://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/sw/Pages/Additional-Information.aspx#CE
This course is targeted for social workers, counselors, nurses, and case managers.
Adolescents go through many important biological and developmental changes. Their brains are growing rapidly, and they are constructing imperative cognitive and emotional processes. They inherently seek novelty and risk, which can often lead to experimentation with substance use and the development of addictive behaviors. Statistics show that the earlier an adolescent begins using substances, the greater likelihood they will develop addiction. Unfortunately, only about 30% of all treatment facilities in the United States today have specialized services for adolescents. Furthermore, treatment of adolescent substance use and addictive behaviors can be challenging due to unique treatment issues such as identity formation and addiction conceptualization. Presented by Rhonda DiNovo, LMSW, ADC-IP, a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of South Carolina College of Social Work, this training will examine the connection between adolescent development and substance use; substance use trends and prevalence among adolescent populations; various risk, protective, and system factors that impact adolescent substance use and current treatment services.
By the end of the session – the participant will be able to:
Rhonda DiNovo, LMSW, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina College of Social Work
Rhonda DiNovo serves as Clinical Assistant Professor, MSW Program Coordinator, and Coordinator of the Graduate Drug and Addictions Studies Certificate Program in the College of Social Work at the University of South Carolina. She teaches students important theoretical and practical approaches in interdisciplinary health and mental health, as well as principles and practices of motivational interviewing and cognitive behavior therapy. DiNovo also serves as Field Supervisor and Director of the West Columbia Outreach Program, a police social work outreach service offered through the West Columbia Police Department that provides brief screening, assessment and referral to treatment services and community resources to those in mental health and substance use crises. Prior to becoming a full-time faculty member in the College of Social Work, Rhonda served three years as Director of Substance Abuse Prevention and Education for the University of South Carolina, and eight years as Prevention Specialist for adolescents and their families at LRADAC.
Social Workers
ASWB ACE – 5 CE Credits
New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work – 5 Contact Hours
NBCC ACEP – 5 Contact Hours
New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners – 5 Contact Hours
California Board of Registered Nursing – 5 Contact Hours
Case Managers
CCMC – 5 Contact Hours
Please make sure to check with your own state board to ensure the transferability of CE credit for an asynchronous course. Some state boards may place restrictions regarding the modality of training required for ethics credits to be awarded. If this training indicates ethics credits are available, please verify that your state allows them to be earned through an on-demand course format.