On-Demand CE Training
This course is targeted for social workers, case managers, nurses, and counselors.
If increases in life expectancy continue, more than half of all children born today can expect to celebrate their 100th birthday. It will be imperative that care providers and stakeholders come together to share evidence-based practices and innovative strategies to improve the health and wellbeing of our aging communities. Dana Greenia, RN, MS, Featured on 60 Minutes “Lessons from the Oldest Old”, will talk about her research on the oldest-old, those 90 years and older. She will cover the discoveries made throughout the study on how participants lived a long and healthy life, as well as contributing factors to dementia. Participants will learn about contributing factors to longevity and come away with tools to use with our aging population.
By the end of the session – the participant will be able to:
Dana Greenia, RN, MS
Dana Greenia is a Registered Nurse, Clinical Researcher and Co-Investigator in “The 90+ Study”, a NIH-NIA funded population-based investigation of people over the age of 90. Initiated in 2003, “The 90+ Study” is based in Laguna Woods, California and has enrolled more than 1,960 participants making it likely the largest study of its kind in the world.
With more than 35 years of experience in health care, administration and research, Dana has been at UCI for 18 years in The Department of Neurology and The Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders. She has a wealth of experience coordinating many types of research in aging including longitudinal studies, PET and MRI imaging trials, and genetic and other biomarkers associated with cognitive and functional abilities in the elderly. Some of Dana’s recent accomplishments include obtaining accreditation for UC Irvine’s Geriatric Neurology Fellowship, and a publication titled: Amyloid Imaging and Cognitive Decline in Non-Demented Oldest Old: The 90+ Study (Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 2013). She has presented findings at scientific meetings, has given many community lectures, and has presented at national professional conferences. She was on the cover of My Generation Magazine in May of 2021 after giving two lectures in Portland, Maine. She also coordinated the taping of “The 90+ Study” research titled “Living to 90 and Beyond” that aired in May 2014 and again in November 2020 on the CBS news show 60 Minutes. The show was such a success, it prompted 60 Minutes Australia to visit and do another taping on the study. She worked closely with the producers of all three shows providing content and expertise in this challenging field of aging and dementia.
Social Workers
ASWB ACE – 1 CE Credit
New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work – 1 Contact Hour
Case Managers
CCMC – 1 Contact Hour
California Board of Registered Nursing – 1 Contact Hour
NBCC ACEP – 1 Contact Hour
New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners – 1 Contact Hour
Please make sure to check with your own state board to ensure the transferability of CE credit for an asynchronous course. Some state boards may place restrictions regarding the modality of training required for ethics credits to be awarded. If this training indicates ethics credits are available, please verify that your state allows them to be earned through an on-demand course format.